If you need immediate assistance, please use imessage/WhatsApp/texting options. The form is currently broken and we are aware of it. This is beyond our control and we hope to get it working quickly.

Jared Rimer's Contact Information

Hello everyone. The following is contact information for Jared Rimer. You may use this form if you would like to contact Jared without going to another page. For example, if you find something wrong, and you find it on the main set of pages, you may use this form. You may also use the contact form to contact me if you'd like instead of going to my personal web page. I'll also be giving out a couple of phone numbers to where you can contact me as well as my Skype username. The choice is yours, enjoy the network!

  1. International visitors or people with unlimited long distance to the United States may call 818-921-4976. This number is set to call me when on Skype or call forwarded if needed to another telephone. If you call this number and you do not have Unlimited Long Distance in the United States, I'm not responsible for your charges for making this call.
  2. Skype users may add jaredr80 if you wish.
  3. You may also text message or whats app message me by using the phone number 804-442-6975 where whats app users can use it for free. Others, charges may apply.

If you would rather contact Jared Rimer via E-mail, please use the following contact form. You may request me to contact you through telephone, E-mail, or both. If you have Skype, you may add me, info is above. If you intend to use the form to spam the network, your IP will be tracked, and Jared Rimer has the power to look up this info and report it to the appropriate organization. Please be warned of this fact. The only requirement I have is a valid working E-mail address. I'm going to leave everything else optional.

That completes the form. I'm tracking your IP and browser info for purposes of abuse and/or to allow me to help you troubleshoot a bug with the site. This information will otherwise not be shared with anyone. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay!

return to the network's main page

No portions of this Web Page may be reproduced. Web pages within this network may have links outside the Jared Rimer network, and Jared Rimer is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies when leaving the Jared Rimer network. Also, some pages in the Jared Rimer network may have content that is suitable for adults only. Those specific web sites will have disclaimers where appropriate.